Experience the Magic
They say Africa crawls under your skin.
Once you experienced this unique continent’s raw nature you will feel alive.
Its rivers will run in your veins & the African drums beat in your heart.
Are you ready for this?
Join us on Safari
what our guests have to say:
Sixteen days of pure adventure, never ending off road trails
through the wilderness, great sightings on safari,
a flight over the Okavango Delta,
admiring the unique starry sky of Africa, a boat safari on the Chobe River,
awakened by a herd of wildebeest crossing the river in front of our tents,
swimming in Devils Pool at Victoria Falls,
seeing the insane salt pan from Kubu Island
and looking deep into the eyes of a full-grown elephant bull.
These are just a few of the breathtaking experiences we had with Anna on our trip
through Botswana and Zambia.
Anna planned the perfect mix of camping, adventure, safari and fun for us.
Thanks to her professionalism, we were able to enjoy the time to the fullest
and while cooking together in the evening at the campfire we
experienced Africa up close. We also learned a lot about photographing wild animals
and spent a few hours in the evening shooting the perfect picture of the night sky.
This trip was a unique experience for us, which we still dream of today.
Roxana, Selina & Henrik (2017)
We highly recommend a trip with Wild PhotographiX!
From the planning and organization up front to the actual trip, everything was just right.
Anna fully adapts to the wishes of her guests and creates the program individually.
So we had an unforgettable safari adventure combined with a trip
through the breathtaking landscape of South Africa.
Anna has given us a lot of interesting information about the country,
the people and especially the wildlife.
Last but not least, she was able to give us some tips for the perfect shot to capture the “Big Five”,
so that we were able to take wonderful memories and photos back home with us.
We had a lot of fun on the trip and Anna was a very pleasant
and humorous travel companion.
Thank you for this great and unforgettable adventure in South Africa.
We are already looking forward to the next trip with Wild PhotographiX in 2020!
Isa & Caro (2017)
We had a great time in South Africa.
Anna booked all accommodations for us
from Cape Town to Kruger National Park.
Always in a good mood, she fascinated us
with her experiences and stories about wildlife.
We learned so much from her about animals and nature.
Unforgettable is the booked Bushwalk, face to face with a buffalo
and our last day, when we met 5 male lions walking
towards us on the street, which was the highlight for all of us!
Definitely not the last time
for us to visit Africa!
Ina & Irene (2017)
A big thank you to Anna for these unforgettable days in South Africa.
She planned the trip for us individually according to our wishes,
while still allowing enough flexibility in the bush to.
If you not only want to see the Big 5, but also want to understand the wilderness,
you are in good hands with her and will always be provided with exciting information
about the different animals and nature. With her uncomplicated and humorous nature,
she managed that we felt very comfortable in South Africa right from the start.
We will plan our next trip to Africa again with her
and will happily recommend her to our friends and family.
Carolin & Sascha, Petra & Rolf (2018)
Anna is a very experienced & cheerful Safari Guide
who put together a fantastic one week program in and around
the Kruger National Park & Blyde River Canyon for the 5 of us.
Her knowledge of flora & fauna of South Africa and the area
we explored were impressive.
She responded to our wishes at all times and,
thanks to her photographic expertise, she knew where and when to get the best shots.
From the selection of accommodation to organizing tickets and day tours,
we had a wonderful stay.
Therefore our unconditional recommendation and a big thank you again!
Jakob & Christian, Claudia, Peter & Lukas (2019)
It’s been a few weeks since we returned from South Africa but we took a lot of the charm and magic of this country with us.
We owe all this to our guide Anna who introduced us to the beauties of “her country” with a very individually planned trip.
The choice of safaris and accommodation was gigantic; e.g. at Elephant Whispers we met a full-grown elephant up close. Out on safari we got super close to rhinos, learned about the fauna and flora. We made priceless experiences and everlasting memories.
Anna shares her love for people and animals with her guests, thereby deepening their understanding of life in harmony with nature.
Photographing is often of secondary importance, simply enjoying and absorbing the unforgettable moments.
If anyone is planning a gigantic, indescribable trip to this piece of earth, then definitely with Anna.
She is living her dream there and always shares it with her guests.
We’ll meet again!
Jürgen, Thomas, Bärbel und Birgit (June 2022)
Planing a safari and sightseeing trip in the Kruger area felt quite challenging without being there before.
We are very happy that we decided to do our trip to Kruger for a whole week with Anna.
Before our journey started, Anna perfectly managed to plan the trip and book every accommodation as we wished, just after one call and a few messages. Our trip started by getting picked up from Anna at Hoedspruit airport and we visited the Moholoholo Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre where we got to know the animals of the bush and how they can be protected in South Africa. On the second day we visited the panorama route with its magnificent viewpoints at Blyde River Canyon, God’s Window, Lisbon Falls and the three Potholes. We spent the first nights in the Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate, surrounded by the awesome atmosphere of the African bush and were able to watch antelope, monkey, giraffe, warthog and a huge variety of beautiful birds right in front of our doorstep.
On day 3 we entered Kruger National Park in the south were we started our Safari to different regions of the park. With her experience of many years in the bush, Anna managed always to be in the right spot at the right time providing us with breathtaking sightings and perfect opportunities to take wildlife photographs.
In our five days in Kruger we saw the Big 5, including a huge Lion pride (20+) walking right next to our car, a Leopard with his kill and multiple (10+) herd of elephant with their babies.
We learned a lot about the animals and plants of South Africa and experienced some of the most memorable moments in our lives, which we will never forget.
Vanessa & David (October 2022)
Ein herzliches Dankeschön an Anna für die komplette Organisation und die super Rundumbetreuung während des „wilden Teils“ unserer Südafrikareise. Anna hat uns 4 Erwachsene am Flughafen in Hoedspruit mit einem großräumigen und klimatisierten Wagen abgeholt und zur ersten Unterkunft mitten im Wildlife Estate gebracht. Dort haben uns liebevoll eingerichtete Zimmer erwartet, von deren Veranda mit Blick in den Busch uns vorbeihuschende Affen, Warzenschweine und unzählige Vogelstimmen willkommen hießen – definitiv unser Lieblingsplätzchen. Am ersten Morgen besuchte uns bereits vor dem reichhaltigen Frühstück eine Giraffenfamilie und wir konnten Hornvögel (Zazu) und den „Grey-go-Away-Bird“ beobachten. So detailliert könnte ich seitenlang mit Begeisterung weiter berichten. Kurz gesagt, durften wir jeden Tag viele unglaublich schöne Tierbegegnungen erleben. Anna führte uns mit ihrem zehnjährigen Erfahrungsschatz im afrikanischen Busch auch an den folgenden Tagen immer zur richtigen Zeit an den richtigen Ort, so dass wir persönlich und mit der Kameralinse viele tolle Erinnerungen mit nach Hause nehmen konnten. Ein Highlight war die Löwenparade mit über 20 Tieren, die direkt an unserem Auto vorbei spazierten. Während unserer 7-tägigen Safari erfuhren wir durch Annas umfassendes Wissen viel über die wunderbare Tier- und Pflanzenwelt, sowie über Land und Leute. Auch wenn mir die Elefanten mal etwas zu nahe schienen, half mir ihre souveräne Einschätzung der Situation, diese doch entspannt zu genießen. Die Safariwoche mit Anna hat uns persönlich bereichert und uns so viel mehr gegeben, als wenn wir versucht hätten, den Krüger-Nationalpark auf eigene Faust zu bereisen.
Die Reise war ein tolles Erlebnis! Das haben wir Anna und ihrer liebenswerten und umsichtigen Art zu verdanken.
Bärbel & Michael Henni (October 2022)
Ich hätte mir nicht im Traum vorstellen können, wie schön diese Reise war! Annas Liebe zu Afrika und vor allem zu den Tieren und der Natur fließt, glaube ich in ihren Adern und springt einfach über. Ihre Offenheit, ihr Interesse an uns und den Menschen macht es möglich sich hier sofort gut aufgenommen zu fühlen. Schon die ganze Organisation und Planung waren durch Anna einfach so einfach und problemlos, dass uns die ganze Zeit, die wir hier waren zum Schauen, Staunen und Genießen blieb. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass man in 2 Wochen gar nicht mehr erleben kann. Ich hoffe, dass wir die vielen Eindrücke dieser wunderschönen Reise für immer im Herzen tragen.
Vielen lieben Dank für Alles!
Christine & Philipp M. (June 2023)
Anna has made one of my dreams come true. For 2.5 weeks, she showed me her ‘home.’ I knew that the journey we had planned together would be great. But what I ultimately experienced with Anna cannot be put into words.
Starting with trips to the Blyde River Canyon. Meeting Jessica the Hippo. A visit to the Elephant Whispers and, of course, the safari through the Kruger. At the end, the whale-watching tour by the sea.
The planning and selection of accommodations were superb. Even more overwhelming is her devoted and loving way of introducing you to this corner of the earth.
Encounters with splashing elephants, or a whole herd walking through the riverbed. Feeding lions. The leopard couple, the rhino, hippo, and zebra babies, to name just a few. It felt like we were always in the right place at the right time.
A big thank you also for the perfect guidance and support in photography.
I had a wonderful time with fantastic memories & it certainly won’t be the last time traveling with Anna.