A Mother's Secret...

In October 2013 I discovered the Epauletted Fruit-Bat roosting in the tree infront of our house. Haven’t seen one before, I was quite excited, got my camera ready and took some photos. To my surprise she was back the following morning and hung on the same branch from then on.
I checked on her regularly as I could see her nicely from the desk in my home office. Every now and then she swayed with the wind and opened her wings, but whenever I investigated, she closed her wings and looked at me with big hazelnut-brown eyes.
I knew very little about bats: they tend to live in colonies and like their lives upside down. Seeing a bat on its own for several days made me suspicious and after having a closer look at the photos that I had taken, I almost was sure, she was hiding something under her wings…
It became my mission to figure out her daily rhythem.
It seemed around high noon and late afternoon she was active the
most – apart from her nocturnal flights.

It took a week for her to get used to my presence. Then one afternoon I saw her wings open and went to have a look. Her secret was revealed to me: a baby was peeping out from under her wing!
Now the challange of getting a decent photo of “Batman Jr.” just got bigger.
Countless days later, after lying in wait for hours at a time, poised at my camera resting on the tripod, she had grown completely comfortable with my presence. When it was grooming time I was magically rewarded with amazing interactions between mother and child.
I feel privilaged to have witnessed these secretive interactions & see the little bat growing quite a bit during the three weeks.
Definetly one of my Top Sightings ever!